

  • How many miles/km of public rights of way do you cover?
  • What is your annual budget for public rights of way maintenance?
  • Please provide a breakdown of issues reported e.g. Way finding, Obstructions, Path Condition, Safety, Stiles/Fences, Other
  • What percentage of reported issues are remedied within 6 weeks of receiving the report?
  • What percentage of reported issues go unresolved/unattended in a 12month period?
  • What is the average cost per resolution of reported issue? If no average available, please provide low/high range.
  • Where you have a vegetation clearance programme in place, what is the criteria for selection of footpaths to be cleared in any given year?
  • What software/tooling are you using to track these requests – please specify?


Dover District Council does not hold the information you are seeking. The responsible authority within our District is Kent County Council, who should be able to assist you and can be contacted at the following address: