Please could you provide the organisational structure charts (including names, job title, email address & contact numbers for the following teams please:
- Revenues and Benefits
- Financial Assessments
- Income Maximisation
- Homelessness
- Adult Social Services
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
This may also include commissioning teams covering the following job titles: Director, Assistant Director, Head of Service, Service Manager / Senior Managers.
It would be very interesting to know the following information for these teams:
- How often do these teams carry out training within their departments to ensure they are up-to-date with their areas (legislative, procedural and soft skills)?
- Does the training take place in-house or is this delivered by external companies?
- Is there a system in place where they can access up-to-date information/documents?
- How much is spent annually on training and any system to store policies/documents for these departments?
The Council’s organisational structure can found on our website at The Council’s revenues and benefits functions are currently outsourced to Civica and therefore we do not employ any staff to undertake these functions. The Council does not have any teams who specifically deal with financial assessments or income maximisation. The Council has no responsibility for adult social services or mental health and wellbeing. These are functions of Kent County Council who can be contacted at
Information about staff names, email address or contact telephone number is considered personal data and therefore exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.
The Council holds no recorded or document information in respect of your questions about trainng. Training needs are identified as and when required and sourced at that time. The spending by the Council on training can be found on our website as part of the payment to suppliers data: