I am now making request for information under the Freedom of Information Act: -
-what part of middle deal road and what other surrounding areas were consulted on the scheme?
- how many residents opposed and how many were for the parking scheme?
- details of comments the residents made (for those for and against) - you can redact personal data.
- and how many of those that were for the scheme already have driveways?
- information / documentation about why was this scheme was proposed? And the costs it is proposed to bring in.
- minutes / details from the meeting of the Dover Joint Transportation Board?
- and details of the representatives at this meeting and their roles
- information about why the council did not provide the results of the consultation, nor give the residents an opportunity to respond to the results of the consultation?
- how the council can justify making residents pay to park outside their own houses in an area that is not the town centre?
- I would like a copy of the first letter the council sent about the scheme and all subsequent communications for my records
The information can be found on the Council's website at