

  1. In the 2023/24 financial year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) how many new homes of any tenure did the council complete?
  2. Please can you provide a breakdown of those new build completions, by tenure (for example, how many were social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership, market sale, temporary accommodation, etc).
  3. If the council has a council-owned housing company, in the 2023/24 financial year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) how many new homes of any tenure did the company complete?
  4. Please can you provide a breakdown of those completions, by tenure (for example, how many were social rent, shared ownership, market sale, temporary accommodation, etc).
  5. How many homes does the council expect to build in the next five years (ie, from April 2024-March 2029)
  6. If the council has a council-owned housing company, how many homes does it expect to build in the next five years (April 2024-March 2029)


  1. 29
  2. 13 x affordable rent & 16 x social rent
  3. We do not have a housing company.
  4. Not appliable
  5. Dover District Council has set a target to deliver on average 200 affordable properties a year, through a mix of new build development and property acquisition.
  6. Not applicable