

1. I understand a guided tour was arranged for Monday 17 June 2024 followed by a meal.  Who organised the guided tour and what was the criteria for those invited?  Who decided who was going?

2. Who conducted the guided tour around the Town Hall?

3. Who paid for the meal after the tour DDC or the Town Council?


1. This was a public event, advertised widely, including on the Maison Dieu website and via social media, for people interested in forming a Friends of the Maison Dieu group. People booked tickets online, on a first come, first served basis. An additional tour was added due to high demand. Further public events are planned to recruit Friends, including an online webinar in July. The free event included the opportunity for participants to find out about the Maison Dieu and the current stage of the Reawakening the Maison Dieu project, through a special guided tour.

2. The tour was led by Council's Maison Dieu Engagement Officer.

3. Dover District Council purchased the local supermarket bought buffet at a cost of £135.25.  The buffet was funded entirely from the Maison Dieu's National Lottery Heritage Fund grant, allocated specifically for this purpose (Activity 9, Friends of the Maison Dieu).