

Can you please advise the names and contact details for the following:

  • CEO of council
  • Leader of council
  • The Mayor
  • Member for the environment.
  • Member for Climate Change
  • Member for communities
  • Director of waste Services
  • Head of Street Team
  • Head of Waste
  • Head of Parks 
  • Head of Highways
  • Head of communities/Neighbourhoods
  • Head of environment/Climate Change
  • Director of Place


CEO of council - Senior Management Structure (

Leader of council - Leader and Cabinet (

The Mayor – N/A

Member for the environment - Leader and Cabinet (

Member for Climate Change - Leader and Cabinet (

Member for communities - Leader and Cabinet (

Director of waste Services -Senior Management Structure (

Head of Street Team - Senior Management Structure (

Head of Waste - Senior Management Structure (

Head of Parks  - Senior Management Structure (

Head of Highways - N/A

Head of communities/Neighbourhoods - Senior Management Structure (

Head of environment/Climate Change - Senior Management Structure (

Director of Place - Senior Management Structure (

Officer contact details are exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act as the Council considers the contact details of individual members of staff to be personal data.