

  • What is the waiting list for social housing in your Local Authority for each financial year since 2015/16?
  • What is the longest time (in days) that someone has been on your social housing waiting list as it stands?
  • What is your net loss or gain of the number of social homes in your Local Authority for each financial year since 2015/16? 


  • As at 31 March:

2015 – 2663

2016 – 2548

2017 – 2351

2018 – 1861

2019 – 1547

2020 – 1706

2021 – 1974

2022 – 1774

2023 – 1831

2024 – 1913

  • Since 5 April 1976
  • This information is available on the Council’s website within the statement of accounts for each year, under the housing revenue account section Accounts and Budgets (