

Interpretation and Translation Services




What was your overall 23/24 spend for interpretation and translation services?

Apr’23 – Mar’24


Spend to include all service formats across all contracts held


What was your overall 22/23 spend for interpretation and translation services?


Apr’22 – Mar’23


Spend to include all service formats across all contracts held


What was your overall 21/22 spend for interpretation and translation services?

Apr’21 – Mar’22


Spend to include all service formats across all contracts held


Please confirm the following details for your provider(s) of interpretation services for each year:



Please add additional columns if required

Provider 1

Provider 2

Provider 3

Provider 4

Provider name

e.g. inhouse / provider name)





Scope of contract and value of spend where in scope in Apr’23-Mar’24 year

a)   Pre-booked face-to-face

b)   Pre-booked video

c)    Pre-booked telephone

d)   On-demand video

e)   On-demand telephone

f)     British Sign Language

g)   Interpreters on wheels


a)   Yes/No, If yes £x

b)   Yes/No, If yes £x

c)    Yes/No, If yes £x

d)   Yes/No, If yes £x

e)   Yes/No, If yes £x

f)     Yes/No, If yes £x

g)   Yes/No, If yes £x





Value of spend against each in-scope service Apr’22-Mar’23 year






Value of spend against each in-scope service Apr’21-Mar’22 year






Current contract start date






Current contract end date






Any extension options available under the existing contract

e.g. 2 x 12 months





How was this contract awarded?

e.g. Tender / direct award





Which procurement framework was used to award this contract?

e.g. NHS SBS / ESPO / No framework used





Have service credits been applied in the last 12 months?

If yes, what performance failure was this linked to?

e.g. Yes - non-fulfilment of BSL





Is there is an exclusivity clause, which would prevent you from piloting additional or complementary interpreting services during the duration of your current contract?






From which budget within your organisation are interpreting services funded?

Budget/Department name


Which staff member/job role is responsible for signing off that budget?

e.g. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead


Which staff member/job role manages the interpretation services contract(s)?

e.g. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead



The Council does not have a contract for interpretation and translation services and therefore does not hold the information you are seeking.  If any of these services have been procured, the information will be available on the Council’s website as part of the payment to suppliers data at  The Council does have a Partnership and Framework Access Agreement with Kent County Council for sign language services but has not utilised the services for any of the years you have requested.  Kent County Council will hold details of any contracts that exist as part of that agreement and can be contacted at