

Sorry for another belated follow-up question: Is it possible to know the following (apologies for how the question was originally worded)

How many properties initially sold under the Right to Buy act have been subsequently purchased by the local authority? 


How many of these were purchased on or after January 1st 2020? 


How much money has the local authority spent on purchasing these properties? (If any properties have been sold again after being re-purchased, please also specify this income) 

£5,523,272.  None have been sold after being re-purchased.

Is this for question 1 or 1a? Ideally I would like cost figures for the 70 and 40 homes individually.


Your previous request has been interpreted incorrectly and the numbers are: 

1. How many properties initially sold under the Right to Buy act have been subsequently purchased by the local authority?42

2. How many of these were purchased on or after January 1st 2020?



Purchased Before 2020













































Purchased from 2020 onwards





















































