

For your authority, in the years 2021, 2022 and 2023:

  1. How many reports have you received in relation to third party sales of puppies, in breach of Lucy's Law?
  2. How many of these reports have been investigated further?
  3. How many reports have you received in relation to the suspected illegal importation of puppies?
  4. How many of these reports have been investigated further?
  5. How many puppies/dogs were seized by Trading Standards on suspicion that they were in breach of the Rabies Order 1974?
  6. How many prosecutions has the Local Authority carried out in relation to illegally imported puppies?
  7. For the above prosecutions what penalties were received by the defendant?


Dover District Council does not hold the information you are seeking. The trading standards authority within our District is Kent County Council, who should be able to assist you and can be contacted at the following address: