

  1. Details of all meetings, including dates, attendees, and minutes (if available), between Natalie Elphicke MP and any Dover District Councillors, council staff, or council officers since her election to Parliament in December 2019.
  2. A list of all current, past, and ongoing planning applications pertaining to Natalie Elphicke MP, either as an applicant or as an owner of the property in question. For each application, please provide:
    1. Application reference number
    2. Address of the property
    3. Date of application
    4. Current status of the application
    5. Decision outcome (if applicable)
  3. Any records of communication (e.g., emails, letters, notes) between council officers and Natalie Elphicke MP or her representatives regarding the planning applications listed above.
  4. Any records of council officers intervening or taking any actions outside of normal procedures in relation to the planning applications listed above.


  1. I can confirm that the Council holds information falling within the description specified in your request, however it is not readily available and from our preliminary assessment, we have estimated that the cost of trying to collate 4½ years’ worth of meetings to comply with your request would exceed the ‘appropriate limit’.   The appropriate limit has been specified in regulations and for Local Government it is set at £450. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 2½ working days in determining whether the information is held, locating, retrieving and extracting the data. I regret therefore, that on this occasion I must refuse this part your request in accordance with Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act.
  2. As follows:
    1. DOV/22/01720
    2. The Ledge, Bay Hill, St Margaret's Bay, Dover
    3. Submitted 24/12/2022, valid from 25/12/2022
    4. Withdrawn (15 May 2024)
    5. Not applicable as application withdrawn
  3. The communication held by the Council about this planning application is attached.  [This file is too large to upload to the website]