

  1. A list of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) interventions to which you (the lead authority or partner local authority within your combined authority) have allocated funding, including the intervention code* and the value of the funding. * Intervention codes provided in the UKSPF guidance from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities:
  2. The total amount of your UKSPF allocation that Central Government has transferred to you (the lead authority or partner local authority within your combined authority) by financial year.





Communities & Place

E1: Improvements to town centres & high streets - Capital


E1: Improvements to town centres & high streets - Revenue


E3: Creation of and improvements to local green spaces


E6: Local arts, cultural, heritage & creative activities


E8: Campaigns to encourage visits and exploring of local area


E9: Funding for impactful volunteering and/or social action projects to develop social and human capital in local places


E13: Community measures to reduce the cost of living


Local Business

E17: Development & promotion of visitor economy


E24: Training hubs, business support offers, incubators & accelerators


People and Skills

E35: Enrichment and volunteering activities



2022/23             £119,286

2023/24             £198,571