

  1. Which HR & Performance management system do you use, contract period and contract value / if sass or on-prem?
  2. Which Finance system (or Enterprise Resource Management) do you use, contract period and contract value / if sass or on-prem?
  3. Which Payroll software do you use, contract period and contract value / outsourced, sass or on-prem? 
  4.  Are you planning to go to market for a different Finance/ERP, HR or Payroll system? If so, when? 
  5. How many employees, users / licenses of the system do you have for each system, please?


  1. MHR iTrent. The contract for this software was procured by Thanet District Council, when the HR and payroll functions were part of a shared service and therefore Dover District Council does not hold any further information.  You will need to contact Thanet District Council for details of the contract period, contract value and whether it is sass or on-prem.  Details of how to make a freedom of information request of Thanet District Council can be found on their website at
  2. TechnologyOne - Software as a Service (SaaS) OneCouncil Finance Software – contract expires 31/3/26, value £92.5K p/a.
  3. MHR iTrent. Any additional information can be obtained from Thanet District Council, as outlined in the response to question 1.
  4. No, not for either system.
  5. TechnologyOne One Council licensing is based on population of the district – 115000 banding.  iTrent based on employee count, around 500