

We have questions relating to the freehold ownership of the land where the Erection of a drive-thru restaurant, car parking, car charging bays, substation, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD) and a height restrictor are proposed to be erected, i.e. the Land At The Corner Of Townwall Street And Woolcomber Street Dover CT16 1QF |DDC Planning Application Ref. No: 24/00293 | Received: Fri 15 Mar 2024 | Validated: Fri 29 Mar 2024 | Status: Awaiting decision.

  1. Could you please answer the following questions to clarify the true present ownership of the freehold of the land in question. 
  2. Who was the freehold owner of the above said freehold land on the 15th of March 2024? 
  3. Who is the freehold owner of the above said freehold land on today's date, the 29th of April 2024? 
  4. Why is the owner's name of the said freehold land redacted in planning application 24/00293? 
  5. Why is the address of the owner of the said freehold land in planning application 24/00293 given as the Council's offices in Whitfield? 
  6. Why does the Land Registry state that the freehold of the said land is owned by DDC? 
  7. If the said freehold land has been optioned to a 3rd party, as you stated, who has the said freehold land been optioned to? 
  8. If the said freehold  land has been optioned, when was it optioned? 
  9. If the said freehold land has been optioned, how long is the option for? 
  10. If the said freehold land has been optioned, how much was paid for the option? 
  11. If the said freehold land has been optioned, is the option to be able to buy the freehold of the land in the future? 
  12. If the said freehold land has been optioned, and the option is to be able to buy the freehold of the land in the future, what is the agreed sum in the option agreement to buy the said freehold land in the future? 
  13. If the said freehold land has been optioned, is the option to lease the land, and if so, for how long? 
  14. If the said freehold land has been optioned by a 3rd party, does the option agreement have any conditions stating that DDC will agree to grant planning permission for any proposed development of the said freehold land before the recipient of the option or his tenant needs to fully exercise  the option? 
  15. If the said freehold land has been sold by DDC,  when was the said freehold land sold? 
  16. If the said freehold land has been sold by DDC, how much was paid for the said freehold  land? 
  17. If the said freehold land has been sold by DDC, who is the present owner of said freehold land? 
  18. If DDC is no longer the owner of the said freehold land,  as you and other DDC Councillors have stated, why does the Land registry state otherwise?


  1. Dover District Council.
  2. Dover District Council.
  3. Because the planning portal automatically redacts this information.
  4. Because the land is owned by Dover District Council.
  5. Because the land is owned by Dover District Council.
  6. The Council has an option agreement with Citycourt Developments.
  7. 2017.
  8. A two-year period from the trigger date, as defined in the agreement, which expires in March 2025.
  9. This information is exempt from disclosure under Regulation 12(5)(e) (commercial or industrial information) of the Environmental Information Regulations.
  10. The option is to purchase the freehold.
  11. This information is exempt from disclosure under Regulation 12(5)(e) (commercial or industrial information) of the Environmental Information Regulations.
  12. Not relevant.
  13. The option agreement requires planning consent to be granted but places no obligation on Dover District Council to grant.
  14. Not relevant.
  15. Not relevant.
  16. Not relevant.
  17. Not relevant.