

  1. About three months ago it was reported to DDC Property Services about the dangerous state of a damaged/collapsed wall at the vets, "five ways" at Maison Dieu Road, Dover on which was a "Maison Dieu Road "street name plate.  What action has DDC taken to make this damaged wall safe as open/exposed/adjoining the pavement and a hazard to the public?
  2. What action has the Council taken to replace the damaged street name plate needed for one of the town’s main busy roads that needs to be identified?


  1. I can confirm that the wall does not belong to Dover District Council.  The Council contacted the vets who have confirmed the wall does not belong to them either and that Kent County Council are responsible for it.  The vets have advised that they are in contact with Kent County Council regarding the reinstatement of the wall.
  2. The Council is unable to reinstate the street name plate until the wall is reinstated.