

Please can you supply me with the following information? 

  • Registration number:
  • Make:
  • Model: 

of all vehicles registered as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire between 22nd November 2023 and 31st March 2024 within your Council.


The information you have sought is attached however the Council is only able to extract the vehicle model from the software system and not the make of the vehicle.  Following a review of how the Council deals with requests for this type of information, we no longer provide vehicle registration numbers as this information is considered to be personal data and therefore exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.  In making this decision, the Council has taken into consideration a decision notice issued by the Information Commissioner in relation to a request for this information in respect of another local authority.  The decision notice can be found here:  Please note that we only hold details of current licences, which run for a period of one year.

