

  1. Please provide a link to any planning applications which have been granted since January 1st 2021 for housing sites of 1,000 dwellings or more.
  2. Please provide any standard documentation which is issued by the Local Planning Authority to developers for guidance on designing housing site proposals.
  3. Please outline how internal highway networks are agreed with developers. In particular, specifics around:
    1. Road hierarchy (how is this identified (AADT, etc?); how is active travel dealt with; are there set design tiers)
    2. Shared surfaces (When are these requested? Is there a limit to the number of dwellings they serve?)
    3. Cycle infrastructure (when is dedicated cycle infrastructure required? Are there local design standards in place? Is there focus on connecting to existing networks; how is cycle parking dealt with?)
    4. Pedestrian provision including crossing points (outline the conditions for internal development crossings – local centres, schools, critical mass etc)
    5. Electric vehicle charging provision (When are communal charging areas requested; when are chargers requested for each dwelling, any other comment)
  4. Please outline how provision for public transport is accommodated for new development sites where public transport provision is required within the site itself. Is there a trigger point for public transport provision to be implemented? How are requirements for public transport decided?  How are public transport stop/shelter locations and specifications within development sites decided?  At what stage are public transport operators involved, and does this directly influence build-out phasing?
  5. Is public transport provision prioritised in any way in the highway, for new residential developments?
  6. Is active travel prioritised in any way for new housing development sites?
  7. Please indicate if all new development sites install infrastructure for active travel which is compliant with LTN 1/20.
  8. Please provide commentary on how needs for community facilities are identified to be delivered as part of a residential planning application. This could include schools, shops, local centre, parks/play equipment, office facilities, places of worship etc.
  9. Has the Local Authority utilised its powers of compulsory purchase in order to construct an active or sustainable travel project.
  10. Please provide any monitoring reports from where Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, modal filters, ‘Mini Holland’, 15-minute neighbourhood or similar interventions have been implemented in order to reduce carborne trips.
  11. Has your Local Authority area declared a carbon emergency?


  1. There have been no planning applications granted meeting this description.
  2. Standard Planning guidance documents can be found on our website here:  Of particular note is the Kent Design Guide. Development Plan policies related to design are also available in the current and emerging development plans: Core Strategy ( and Dover District Local Plan.
  3. As follows:
    1. Kent County Council as the Local Highways Authority provide advice on these matters at planning application stages.  Information is available on their website at
    2. Kent County Council as the Local Highways Authority provide advice on these matters at planning application stages.  Information is available on their website at
    3. Cycle infrastructure requirements are set out in Kent Vehicle Parking Standards (2006) ( and Supplementary-guidance-residential-parking.pdf (
    4. Kent County Council as the Local Highways Authority provide advice on these matters at planning application stages. Information is available on their website at
    5. In June 2022 the Government introduced changes to the Building Regulations which included a new Part S requiring all residential new builds to have preparatory work completed for the future installation of an electric vehicle charging point.
  4. The current development plan contains policies which would apply to new development in relation to managing travel demand (Policy DM11) Core Strategy ( The emerging Local Plan also contains a number of policies in relation to Sustainable transport and Active Travel (See in particular TI1 – TI2): SD01 Dover District Local Plan to 2040 - Regulation 19 Submission Document Oct 22 and ED48 Schedule of Main Modifications (  The public transport and active travel measures applicable to each development proposal will vary on a case-by-case basis, including according to the type and scale of development proposed, its location, and the level of existing transport infrastructure and services in the immediate area. This could also include a financial contribution for the implementation of sustainable transport schemes beyond the scope of an individual development to deliver and would be sought and agreed with all relevant parties including KCC (Public Transport and Highways and Transportation) and local councils, where relevant. For allocated sites within the emerging development plan, some site-specific requirements for public transport and active travel may be set out in the relevant policies. Each development will be therefore assessed on a site-by-site basis, and therefore the questions above cannot be answered for all schemes.
  5. See response to question 4 above
  6. See response to question 4 above
  7. The Council does not hold this information.
  8. Policies within the development plan (adopted and emerging) require the needs of all community facilities to be assessed as part of major planning applications, and if required, are secured through relevant legal agreements/conditions. More information can be found in FAQs on our website: s106-and-IDP-FAQs-August-2023.pdf (
  9. No.
  10. The Council does not hold this information.  Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are the responsibility of the local highway authority and for our District that is Kent County Council.  Kent County Council can be contacted at
  11. Yes.