

  1. There are 7 "Listed" K6 telephone boxes in Dover as follows, 4 at the Western Docks (Cruise Terminal) one at East Cliffe, one at Bridge Street and one at Victoria Park on Castle Hill.  Please provide the relevant dates on which these 7 K6’s were "Listed" and notified to DDC?
  2. There is one more at London Road and so this separately as three questions as follows:
    • When was the K6 in London Road Dover "Listed" and
    • When was permission granted (as required by law) to change this "Listed" building by painting it with bright colours and large words?
    • If permission not granted for this rather extreme change in the character of the K6 what action will DDC take to rectify this breach of law?


  1. The information on when the telephone kiosks were listed is publicly accessible via the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) which can be found here:  The Council does not hold information on when we received notification of the designations, as this is not relevant information for us to retain/hold as the date of designation is the key date (ie the date on which protection started).
  2. The K6 on London Road (outside of Kings Hall) is not listed. Listed Building Consent was therefore not required.