- Does the local authority own and operate crematoria?
- If yes, which crematoriums do you own and/or operate?
- How many individual cremators do you operate at each site?
- Does the local authority own crematoria that are operated by a third party?
- How many cremations took place in each crematoria owned or operated by the Local Authority between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.
- Please provide information about the type of fuel used in each crematoria – gas, electric or other.
- Does your cremator/s have mercury abatement installed?
- Please provide the date of installation for each of the cremators / cremation chambers used within your crematoria
- Do you have a date when you expect to replace your existing cremators? If so, please provide a date for each individual facility.
- Have you considered installing cremators which use alternative fuels?
- If yes to the above, which alternatives have you considered?
- Do you collect data about the environmental emissions / impact from any crematoria you own or operate?
- If yes to the above, please share this data with us. This can be shared in an email or attached as a document / PDF.
- Do you publish the data you collect on environmental emissions / impact from any of crematoria you own or operate?
The Council does not own or operate any crematoria and therefore we do not hold the information you have requested.