

  1. How many complaints have you had in the last 12 months (March 2023-March 2024) about dog poo/dog waste being reported in public areas - i.e. in parks, on pavements, walkways, public fields, etc.?
  2. How many complaints have you had in the last 12 months (March 2023-March 2024) about dog poo/dog waste being reported on private property - i.e. someone’s front garden, driveway, path, etc,?
  3. How many complaints did you have in the 12 months prior (March 2022-March 2023) about dog poo/dog waste being reported in public areas?
  4. How many complaints did you have in the 12 months prior (March 2022-March 2023) about dog poo/dog waste being reported on private property - i.e. someone’s front garden, driveway, path, etc,?
  5. How many people were prosecuted or issued with a fixed penalty notice for not cleaning up dog waste/dog poo between March 2023-March 2024?
  6. How many people were prosecuted or issued with a fixed penalty notice for not cleaning up dog waste/dog poo between March 2022-March 2023?
  7. How many dog poo/dog waste bins do you have, as of March 2024? This includes dedicated dog poo/dog waste bins as well as public litter bins that accept dog waste
  8. How many dog poo/dog waste bins did you have as of March 2023? This includes dedicated dog poo/dog waste bins as well as public litter bins that accept dog waste
  9. Do you have any plans to increase the number of dog poo/dog waste bins?
  10. Do you have any plans to decrease the number of dog poo/dog waste bins?
  11. If so, on either question 9 or 10, by how many - please state a number rather than a percentage..


  1. 356 across the district. We do not record what type of land the reports relate to.
  2. 356 across the district. We do not record what type of land the reports relate to.
  3. 575 across the district. We do not record what type of land the reports relate to.
  4. 575 across the district. We do not record what type of land the reports relate to.
  5. 2 FPNs were issued.
  6. 1 FPN was issued.
  7. There are just over 1000 litter / dog waste bins in the district.
  8. There are just over 1000 litter / dog waste bins in the district.
  9. No
  10. No
  11. Not applicable