

1. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used caravans and/or holiday parks to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer. 

By presenting as homeless, I mean people who have presented to the council as homeless, and who the council has a duty to house, and therefore provided temporary accommodation before finding more secure housing. 

1a. If yes, please can you also provide:

The name of the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider 

The amount paid by the council to the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider per financial year 

The number of people housed in caravans/holiday park accommodation 

2. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used hotels to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.

2a. If yes, please can you also provide:

The name of the hotel accommodation provider 

The amount paid by the council to the accommodation provider per financial year 

The number of people in hotel accommodation

3. Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council provided tents to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.

3a. If yes, please can you also provide:

The total costs spent on tents per financial year

The number of people to have received tents


1 Yes.

1a The name of the provider and the amount paid can be found on the Council’s website as part of the payment to suppliers data at  For the reasons stated above regarding the change of software system the Council does not hold information about the number of people housed.

2 Yes

2a The name of the provider and the amount paid can be found on the Council’s website as part of the payment to suppliers data at  For the reasons stated above regarding the change of software system the Council does not hold information about the number of people housed.

3 Not

3a Not applicable