Could you please provide a file containing the following information on all individual planning applications from Jan 1 2010 to Dec 31 2023?
- Planning application number/reference
- Easting
- Northing
- Postcode
- Address
- Ward
- Parish (if applicable)
- Current application status
- Application outcome (if applicable)
- Consent type (eg. Full, Outline, Reserved Matters, etc.)
- Development category (eg. major dwellings, minor dwellings, any other category of new dwellings)
- Number of dwellings created (if possible and applicable)
- Development proposal summary (if it exists)
- Date received
- Decision date
- Date validated
Please define any/all ambiguous varaibles in the dataset (eg. 1: minor dwellings application).
I understand that your authority already offers a planning search tool which contains much of this information. However, this tool limits the number of applications displayed, making the fulfilment of my particular request infeasible. I also understand that your authority publishes summaries of applications with some of these variables. However, I require individual geo-linked observations.
The information requested is attached. In respect of the number of dwellings created we only record this in the description.