

  1. I want to know what year and month was the review of the self build registar carried out by DDC.
  2. What year and month where the connectivity and financial tests carried out by DDC.
  3. What year and month did DDC write too the existing 167 registrants on the self build registar at that time too request they in order too stay on the self build registar must complete the connectivity and financial capacity tests.
  4. And how many registrants responded to this request.


  1. April 2023.
  2. Connectivity and financial capacity tests are conducted every time we receive an application to join the register.
  3. We only have 6 applicants on the self-build register. The last time we contacted registrants on the register was April 2023.
  4. The 5 on the register at the time responded to the email we issued.