

  1. the number of public toilets operated by the council on 30 January 2010 or the closest date for which you have data, including any only open for part of the year.
  2. the number of public toilets operated by the council on 30 January 2016 or the closest date for which you have data, including any only open for part of the year.
  3. the number of public toilets operated by the council on 30 January 2024 or the closest date for which you have data, including any only open for part of the year.
  4. Please could you also provide a list of addresses of public toilets that were open in 2010 and a list of locations of ones open now.  


  1. 15
  2. 15
  3. 15
  4. This information is on the Council’s website at,-Streets--Parking/Transport--Streets/Public-Toilets.aspx