

  1. Over the last 3 years (or as far back as your records go if less than 3 years) how many FOI requests have been submitted to DDC?
  2. How many, if any, of these requests did DDC to decline to answer as they were regarded as vexatious?  If any declined what was the nature of the requests eg aggressive, illogical or trivial?
  3. In applying the vexatious rules does the Council have its own guidance or does DDC simply the provisions of the FOI Act?
  4. If an FOI request is declined as deemed to be vexatious is the applicant informed of the reasons?
  5. At the end of replies to all FOI requests the Council states what an applicant should do if not happy with the response referring to initial complaints procedure and appealing to the Commissioner.  Is this information at the end of the response given by the Council to be helpful or is it a requirement under the FOI Act.


  1. The number of FOI requests submitted to DDC from 13 February 2021 to 13 February 2024 is 3,068.
  2. No requests were deemed to be vexatious during the past three years.
  3. All requests are dealt with in accordance with either the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations.
  4. Yes.
  5. There is no obligation on the Council to provide a complaints process, known as an internal review, but it is considered good practice.  Guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) does state that we have to advise whether we have an internal review procedure and how it can be accessed.  The Council has to provide requestors with information on their right to complain to the ICO, including providing contact details for the ICO.