

  1. How much has DDC spent on legal fees or put aside funds to take DEFRA to court.
  2. How many play areas would it fund?
  3. How many food bank pacels would it buy?
  4. How many warm banks would it fund?


  1. Under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act this information is exempt from disclosure as it is reasonably accessible to you by other means. The information is available on the Council’s website as part of the payment to suppliers data at:
  2. The Council does not hold a figure for the cost of installing a play area and therefore the Council does not hold the information you have requested as this is not recorded or documented information.
  3. The Council does not provide or fund food bank parcels and therefore the Council does not hold the information you have requested as this is not recorded or documented information.
  4. The Council does not provide or fund warm banks and therefore the Council does not hold the information you have requested as this is not recorded or documented information.