

1. I understand that DDC has allocated funds for the Roman Painted House.  What sum or sums of money have been allocated to the Roman Painted House? 

2. Are the funds to be spent in this financial year or the next one 24/25? 

3. Are these allocated funds ring fenced for particular purposes or are they to be spent at the discretion/decision of officers? 

4. What Committee authorised these sums to be allocated to the Roman Painted House and when was this decision made? 

5. In October 2023 a fee was paid to DDC to cover the fee for the surrender of the lease the Roman Painted House had with DDC.  The sum paid was £242.  That is for the surrender of the lease to DDC.  Please state who paid this sum to DDC eg a firm of solicitors, the Roman Painted House Trust or another third party.  If another third party please name it.  Was this payment of £242 paid by cheque or by electronic means eg bank transfer. 


1. The only specific funds allocated to the Roman Painted House for 2023/24, relate to the bridge repairs (£50k) with any other costs incurred to date being met from existing corporate asset budgets.  

A recommendation for the allocation of funds for 2024/25 is included in the draft Medium Term Financial Plan, to be considered by Cabinet and Council over the coming weeks. This includes:  

  • General Expenditure £3720

  • Dover Collections Re-boxing £15k 

  • Works £150k 

 2. Both 2023/24 and 2024/25 as noted above. 

3. The general expenditure is within the revenue budget and will be spent at the discretion of officers. the other budget allocations, will require further consideration by Cabinet prior to funds being drawn down. 

4. The approval process is set out above. 

5. The £242 relates to the legal costs the Council charged in respect of the legal work undertaken in respect of the Deed of Surrender.  The money was paid by Girlings Solicitors in their capacity as the solicitors instructed by the Roman Painted House Trust.  The money was paid electronically to the Council.