

  1. What training courses or training sessions, either delivered by internal or external instructors, do staff typically complete with regard to the issue of terrorism extremism?  Are there mandatory courses? Or, if there is no typical framework for courses: what courses have been delivered on this subject in the past 12 months up to date?
  2. If possible, can you please provide copies of the training material delivered in these sessions/courses: any slides, booklets etc ?
  3. What training material or material for guidance is currently held for staff?   For example, is there a permanent staff handbook on spotting and dealing with signs of extremism? Could you please provide copies of any such material
  4. Could you please provide any lists or summaries of material that has been deemed, in any guidance provided to staff, to be connected to extremist ideologies, or to promote these ideologies.  I am particular interested in material relate: philosophy, arts, literature, film, and music.  For example, staff may be warned that Nietzsche books could be linked to extremists, as he may be favoured by groups with an extremist ideology..


  1. There is no mandatory training. No courses have been delivered in the last 12 months.
  2. The Council does not hold this information.
  3. The Council does not hold this information.  The Kent County Council Prevent Team will provide relevant information for sharing with staff, when and if appropriate.
  4. The Council does not hold this information.