

  1. The total number of potholes reported in your area in 2023
  2. The total number of potholes filled in your area in 2023
  3. The total number of potholes reported in your area between 2017-2022
  4. The total number of potholes filled in your area between 2017-2022
  5. The total number of potholes reported in your area between 2011-2016
  6. The total number of potholes filled in your area between 2011-2016
  7. The average depth of the potholes filled in your area in 2023, 2017-2022 and 2011-2016


Dover District Council does not hold the information you are seeking. The highway authority within our District is Kent County Council, who should be able to assist you and can be contacted at the following address: