

  1. How many people are directly employed by the your organisation. If you organisation has sub divisions please report the Employee numbers in each sub division
  2. How many of your employees in 1)  have received  Formal  "Deaf Awarenes  training  via  an external organisation?  If you organisation has sub divisions please report the number of Employees  in each sub division
  3. How many of your employees have received In house  "Deaf awareness training"?  If you organisation has sub divisions please report the number of Employees  in each sub division
  4. Do your employees receive  Deaf awareness training as part of their induction training or orientation and do they recieve some form of recognition  such as a certificate? If you organisation has sub divisions please report the number of Employees  in each sub division
  5. How many of your employees have been recruited  where Deaf awarenss training was a job specification/requirement. If you organisation has sub divisions please report the number of Employees  in each sub division
  6. Is Deaf Awareness Training a specific part of  employees professional development programme. If  yes  is it  undertaken, monthly, annually, bi annually or  less frequently.   If it is not part of the programme why isnt it part of the programme ?   If you organisation has sub divisions please report the number of  applicable employees  in each sub division  
  7. How often do you check on your organisations compliance  with the  Equalities Act 2010 and who is responsible for undertaking the audit? If you organisation has sub divisions please report the data for in each sub division seperately
  8. Has your organisation  ever faced any legal proceedings for disability discrimination?  If yes  how many times and if this resulted in you paying compensation how many times and have you paid compensation and how much is the total you have had to pay out? [so that we can work out an average payment] 
  9. Have any employees sued your organisation  for deaf or hearing disability discrimination? If yes how many?
  10. Have any individuals or organisations succesfully sued your organisation  for breach of  section 20 21 and or for harassment and or victimisation due to Tinnitus or hearing impairments?    If you organisation has sub divisions please report the number of Employees  in each sub division.
  11. How many board members, trustees or senior excutives do you have and  how many of these have a) Received  Deaf awareness Training b) are hearing impaired and or otherwise disabled c) Are aware that  reasonable adjustments for Tinnitus are different to those for Hearing loss?  
  12. How many of your employees are disabled  i.e.  Blue badge holders.
  13. What service adjustments are in place specifically for Tinnitus sufferers rather than for the hearing impaired ?  


  1. 479
  2. Zero
  3. Zero
  4. No, we have no specific e-learning course, but we do cover equality, diversity and inclusion.
  5. Zero
  6. Not applicable
  7. The Council is regularly checking the organisation’s compliance with Equality Act 2010 when exercising day to day functions. A review of equality objectives is carried out annually and a review of the Council’s policy every four years. The responsible person for undertaking the audit is Head of Corporate Services and Democracy.
  8. No
  9. No
  10. No
  11. Zero
  12. 15 declared but the Council holds no information as to whether they hold a blue badge.
  13. None – they would be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.