

  1. Does the council have its own HR and Payroll solution or use another authority or outsourced service?
  2. If the council does have its own solution which solution provider is it?
  3. When did the council procure the solution?
  4. Does the council provide HR and Payroll services to any other councils or organisations? If so how many?
  5. How many live payroll recipients are there in your system?


  1. Own payroll solution.
  2. MHR iTrent.
  3. The system was procured by Thanet District Council when the HR and Payroll service was part of a shared service (alongside Canterbury City Council as the third local authority in the former East Kent Human Resources partnership).  Dover District Council does not hold this information and you will need to redirect your enquiry to Thanet District Council.
  4. Yes, five including Dover District Council.
  5. 524 for the Dover District Council element only.  Details of the payroll recipients of Thanet District Council will need to be requested of them and those of Canterbury City Council (including the Marlowe Theatre and their outsourced company/organisation) will need to be made to Canterbury City Council.