

  1. The current status of unallocated or unspent funds, focusing on the categories of Education Contribution, Open Spaces and Environmental Improvements Contribution, Health Facilities Contribution, and the Community Centre Contribution.
  2. Any projects or initiatives that have been identified for the utilization of these unallocated funds.
  3. The council's plans or considerations for allocating the remaining funds, ensuring they are utilized effectively for the benefit of the community.
  4. Moreover, I would appreciate receiving any relevant documents or reports that outline the allocation and expenditure of these funds and the planning references for the corresponding sums.


  1. The latest information can be found in the Infrastructure Funding Statement 22/23 (IFS) on our website: Page 23 Table 5 breaks down the allocated and unallocated funds held by category. Infrastructure Delivery ( There are no further updates to this information.  Please note that Kent County Council (KCC) are the Local Education Authority, and provide some of the community facilities in the district, so although DDC may collect some S106 funds and transfer to KCC – information relating to Education and community should be obtained from KCC – more information is here: Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-2023 - Kent County Council.
  2. The unallocated funds by nature do not have specific projects attached to them at the signing of the S106, however they must be used on the infrastructure type specified within the agreement. For example, there may be money allocated to Open Space within a S106 agreement, but a specific open space has not been named, therefore the money must still be spent on open space as the infrastructure type but is not bound by a specific project. The IFS therefore cannot list projects for unallocated funds as there are none identified. Once a project is identified to use the unallocated funds, the funds become allocated, and will then be listed within the next published IFS document.
  3. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2023 (on our website here Infrastructure Delivery ( reflects the future needs of the District and sets out areas of Infrastructure that have been identified for improving/upgrading. It will be used by the relevant departments to prioritise the allocation of unallocated funding towards emerging projects. At present, there is no further public information on emerging DDC projects than currently set out in the IDP.  The IDP will be updated as future strategies (such as play and open space or community strategies) are adopted by the Council.
  4. The S106 funds and relevant planning application references can be found in the IFS.