

  1. How much deficit/pressure/overspend have you identified in your Medium Term Financial Strategy IN (a) 2024-25 (b) 2025-26 and (c) 2026-27.  Please do not provide me with a figure for 2023-24 or any year before that.  
  2. Please provide (a) a link to your latest Medium Term Financial Strategy and (b) the page number(s) where the answer to question 1 can be found.


  1. It is currently anticipated that there will be a requirement to deliver savings and/or income generation in the region of £1.65m for 2024/25, followed by a further £2.25m in 2025/26.  2026/27 will be considered in the 2024/25 MTFP to be considered by Cabinet in February 2024.
  2. Council Budget and MTFP and Council Tax Setting.pdf ( page 24, para 70 and Annex 2 page 52