Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
Building a better and fairer future
Our Corporate Plan sets the direction for Dover District Council. It will help us turn ambition into action and work towards our vision of "building a better and fairer future".
The Corporate Plan sets out our vision for the district and the Council over the next four years. It describes our aims and the priority activities we will focus on delivering. The Corporate Plan does not try to capture everything we do – instead, it provides a framework for our decisions – how we prioritise and allocate the resources we have available to achieve these priorities. It is the key strategy from which our budget, service plans, and individual objectives cascade.
Full Council approved our Corporate Plan on 29 November 2023.
Please see the sections below for further information.
Statement from Councillor Kevin Mills, Leader of the Council.
This section covers:
- Our vision, aims and priority activities
- A sense of place
- Our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion for all residents.
Our Corporate Plan has four strategic themes, with a fifth ambition for our Council underpinning them. These are:
- Improving our housing.
- Growing our economy.
- Protecting our environment.
- Supporting our communities.
- Modernising our Council.
This section covers how we will monitor our progress against the objectives set.
Ensuring fairness and opportunity for all are at the core of our work. This section covers the principles guiding our plans and actions.
Have Your Say
Our corporate plan is dynamic and will develop and grow as challenges and opportunities arise, whether nationally, regionally or within the district.
We will continue to listen and engage with our residents to deliver the best value and customer-focused services with efficient and effective use of resources.
We will review the priorities in our Corporate Plan regularly and update them as appropriate.
Your views are important to us, and we will consider your feedback during our reviews.
Please send us your comments to:
Head of Corporate Services and Democracy
Dover District Council, White Cliffs Business Park, Dover, Kent CT16 3PJ