What is an eligible cost?
This page outlines how DDC grants view different types of cost. You can use this to help you identify how your project costs should be described in your Application.
different costs
Expenditure Type | Description | What the Community Impact Fund can support? |
Capital Costs |
These must be one-off costs that allow you to purchase outright an item of equipment with a life span of over 3 years.
Revenue Costs |
These must be one-off costs that allow you to buy in activities or services. This could include room hire, service fees etc.
Consumable costs |
These include items that can be used up, with a life span of under 3 years, such as pens, paper, ink, petrol, food or drink.
On-going capital costs |
This is directly related to ongoing or one-off maintenance of your organisation’s offices, buildings or structures. It describes things like one off repairs or scheduled improvements, that should be planned into works of maintenance. For example: Roof repairs or toilet refurbishments.
Core Overhead costs |
These are usually costs that result from the core overheads of running your group. For example: staff time, staff costs or utility or rent/mortgage for premises.
Please note: The Community Impact Fund will accept applications that clearly demonstrate the impact projects will have on bridging the cost-of-living gap for the benefit of the local community or residents within the Dover District. The grant must be used to pay for future clearly defined costs associated with projects that can demonstrate a clear impact on cost of living. Applicants are expected to provide accurate costs (to the penny) within the costs section. DDC reserves the right to request evidence to support the accuracy of the project costs outlined in your application to ensure the project meets the eligibility criteria.
If you are still unsure about how to describe your project costs in your application form, please contact us, Email: CommunityGrants@dover.gov.uk.
Contact email: CommunityGrants@dover.gov.uk.