Battle's Over

On the 11 November 2018 the United Kingdom and its friends overseas will mark the day 100 years ago when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War.
'Battles Over' is a unique series of events in the morning and evening. It will involve organisations and communities from the length and breadth of the nation and in many countries abroad.
The events will remember the sacrifice of millions of men and women during World War One.
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If you are planning or would like to hold a Battle’s Over event, please tell us about it.
2nd November 2018
Deal Museum - A nurse at the front – In the First World War
To commemorate the signing of the armistice, Deal Maritime and Local History Museum are hosting a talk about “Edie,” who nursed in Belgium and France throughout the war. She was born in Deal in 1877 and her father was a Trinity Pilot. Her diaries record her daily life at the Front and provide a fascinating insight into the war. Dick Robinson, great nephew of Edith Appleton, tells her story, while Lisa Robinson reads extracts from Edie’s diaries.
Date & Time: 2/11/18 6.30pm for 7.00pm
Where: St Andrew's Church Hall, West Street, Deal CT14 6DY
Tickets: £5.00 each
Postal Booking: Please send a cheque to DM&LHM 22 St. Georges Rd, Deal, CT14 6BA. Tickets can be collected at the event or send SAE with payment
Online Booking:
9th November 2018
Friday Folk Club - Songs of Remembrance
A themed evening of song, poetry and Community singing, performed by members of Friday Folk Club. The aim is to raise money for Royal British Legion and The Royal Marine Association who are our hosts for the event.
Date & Time: 09/11/18 8.00pm to 10.45pm
Where: Upstairs at Royal Marine Association The Strand Walmer
Tickets: Free
10th November 2018
Dover Sharks RFC v Duke of York’s School Old Boys Association Remembrance Games
Every year Dover Sharks RFC and Duke of York’s OBA commemorate fallen friends from both the Rugby Club, the town and the Duke of York’s School. This year the Rugby Club and OBA will again play against each other as well as providing appropriate moments for reflection to remember and commemorate those that gave their lives so others can live on.
Date & Time: 10/11/18 12.00pm to 6.00pm
Where: Dover Sharks Rugby Club, Crabble Sports Ground, River, Dover, CT17 0JB
Tickets: Free
St Andrew's Church, Deal - WWI Commemoration Service
A short service held at the internal war memorial in the church to remember those who died and to pray for peace. The service will start with the ring out for peace at 7.05pm.
Date & Time: 10/11/18 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Where: St Andrews Church, West Street, Deal, CT14 6DY
11th November 2018
Wingham Parish Council - Remembrance Day Parade
Street Parade up Wingham High Street from North Court junction on to Canterbury Road finishing at St Mary's Parish Church.
Date & Time: 11/11/18 10.30am to 11.00am
Where: Wingham High Street & Canterbury Road, Wingham, Kent
Tickets: Free
Capel-le-Ferne Parish Council - Battle's Over (A Nation’s Tribute & WWI Beacons of Light)
The programme of events starts with a WW1 event at the Village Hall, followed by the film 'Black Adder Goes Forth'. A Torchlight Procession will then gather and walk to the Battle of Britain Memorial Site where a reading, Bugler Calls, Beacon of Light and Ring out for Peace will take place. The Battle of Britain car park will be available for those wishing to take their cars. If you need transport from the Village Hall please let the Parish Council know in advance.
Date & Time: 11/11/18 3.15pm to 7.05pm
Where: Capel Village Hall/Battle of Britain Memorial Site
Tickets: Free
Friends of St Andrew's and Shepherdswell Village Green Association - Battle's Over
The programme of events starts at 6.45pm with The Swell Singers, performing a medley of WW1 songs at the Green while torches are prepared. At 7pm, the Beacons of Light (twenty flaming torches) will be lit at the Green in honour of the twenty men who fell. Next, a First World War Officer’s trench whistle will sound to herald the playing of the Last Post by a bugler. At 7.05pm, Ringing Out for Peace, The bell of St Andrew will be rung, joining 1,000 cathedrals and churches ringing out their bells across the nation. Within the church, which will be especially decorated for this significant Remembrance Sunday, an audiovisual program of WW1 music and photographs will be screened and refreshments served.
Date & Time: 11/11/18 6.45pm to 7.30pm
Where: Shepherdswell Green and Church of St Andrew
Tickets: Free
Remembrance Sunday - Walmer Parish Council
The programme of events starts at 9am with a short service led by the Rev’d Canon Seth Cooper, Vicar of Walmer at the Commemorative Stand on the site of the WW1 Aerodrome, south of Walmer Castle. A wreath will be laid on behalf of the Parish Council by Councillor Derek Murphy. At 11am, Councillor Sue Le Chevalier will be laying a wreath at the Deal Walmer and District War Memorial at Deal Hospital. Also Councillor Peter St Ange will lay a wreath on behalf of Walmer Parish Council at St. Saviours Church, The Strand Walmer.
At 6.45pm at Deal Victoria and Barnes Cricket Club, the Last Post will be played by Bugler Mark Spratt Royal Marines (retd). Prayers will be led by the Rev’d Canon Seth Cooper, and Chairman of Walmer Parish Council, Cllr. Sue Le Chevalier will light the Beacon. At 7.05pm the bells of St. Marys Church and the Blessed Mary of Walmer Church will ring out for peace.
Date & Time: 11/11/18 9.00am to 7.30pm
Where: Various across Deal & Walmer
Tickets: Free
The White Cliffs Ramblers - Commemorative Walk
Organised by the White Cliffs Ramblers, the walk is designed to cater for all ability levels, walking by Hawkshill Down and calling in at the Royal Air Force memorial which overlooks the channel. A very short commemorative service will be held at the memorial where a radio link will be provided so that we can listen in to the last post and silence from the cenotaph in London. Shortly after that, and for those who wish to shorten the walk, they will be able to peel off back to the coast and to the start point. This first section will be about 2 miles. Onwards to the Dover Patrol Memorial with another option of shortening the walk to that of about 4 miles. For those who wish to continue the walk is 7.50 miles returning along the White Cliffs via Kingsdown and onto the start point.
Please come along with clothing and walking boots/shoes suitable for the conditions prevailing on the day. A bottle of water and a small rucksack would also be a good idea! The views are great on a nice day and we have selected a good winter route with plenty of hard surface tracks, but there may also be a bit of mud in places. If the weather is good (and we have tried ordering good weather!) you will have a great walk with good chatty companions at a moderate pace taking about 2.45 hours for the whole 7.50 miles. We should arrive back by about 1.15pm, just in time for lunch, and you will have enjoyed the White Cliffs Experience whilst acknowledging the sacrifices of many.
Date & Time: 11/11/18 10.30am
Where: Walk starts from Kingsdown Road Car Park (opposite Granville Road, the bigger of the two car parks which is free parking at CT14 7LH)
St Leonard's Church - Bell ringing and Service
The bells at St Leonard's Church will ring out at both 12:30pm and 7.05pm. There will be church services as normal at 8.00am and 9.30am. After the second service an act of remembrance will take place.
Date: 11/11/18
Where: St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal
Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th November 2018
Pro Patria “For one’s Country”
Deal Town Council is staging a free two day exhibition encompassing all aspects of service in the locality of Deal. Deal Town Hall will be open to the public on Monday 12 November 12.30pm - 4.30pm and Tuesday 13 November 10.00am - 4.00pm.
Exhibitions include the “Theatres of War” and the “Home Front”, the WWI Belgian Refugees in Deal and Walmer as well an exhibition by the Expeditionary Trust on Anglo-French relations with the British Army in St Omer during the Great War. Materials for these exhibitions have been provided by Pat Smith, Judith Gaunt and Suzanne Green.
Members of The Royal British Legion Down’s branch will be in attendance, with a display of postcards written by pupils from Sandown, Warden House and the Downs Primary Schools thanking the WWI generation, as well as a hand written leather bound Roll Of Honour.
“We will remember them, we still remember them”
Date: 12/11/18 - 12.30pm - 4.30pm and 13/11/18 - 10.00am - 4.00pm
Where: Deal Town Hall, High Street, Deal, CT14 6TR
Suggested Schedule
Struggling to think of something to do? Battle’s Over has created some examples of how you can support the 100 years of remembrance, these include:
- 6am – Sleep in peace, now the battles over
Individual bagpipers will play Battle’s o’er
- 6.55pm – The Last Post
Buglers will play the last post at the Beacon site
- 7pm – WW1 Beacons of Light
After darkness has fallen, beacons of light will be lit throughout the UK
- 7.05pm – Ringing out for peace
As beacons blaze around the country, bells in churches and cathedrals will ring out in celebration of the end of the First World War
To find out more about these events, please read The 'Battle's Over' guide produced by Bruno Peek, Pageant Master
If your event requires funding, there are a number of funding streams available and you can also receive funding updates through our Keep Me Posted service:
Here are some of the funding streams available:
If you would like more information or have any further questions, please contact us at
Please use the Battle’s over on any promotional material.