Publicity for your Community Group
There are many ways you can promote your event/group and it is often the more imaginative ideas that gather the most publicity.
However, an effective starting point is writing a Press Release.
We have examples of useful local media contacts that you could consider sending your Press Releases to.
You might also like to consider producing leaflets or posters - although please be responsible in getting permission to leave leaflets, or put up posters, and remember to take down posters after the event.
Other ideas could include:
- Call your local media and have a chat
- Set up a Facebook page, or use other social media
- Write to the letters page or community page of your local newspaper
- Consider promotional events - think about photo opportunities
- Attend other events in your area to promote your group/event
- If you have funding, there are options to buy ads in a range of media
- Add details to ‘what’s on’ pages of websites. (Your event can be listed on the White Cliffs Country website, e-mail at Dover Visitor Information Centre with details of your event).
- Get talking - don’t forget family, friends, colleagues, club members - use all your contacts and spread the news.