Financial Support for the Armed Forces
Links to organisations that can provide financial advice and support.
Money Force: the home of money guidance for UK Service personnel and their families
Money Advice Service: Free, unbiased and independent advice.
Defence Discount Service: - the only official Ministry of Defence (MOD) discount service and also home of the Defence Privilege Card.
Benefit and Council Tax Support: Advice on who can claim benefits, what you can claim, advice on housing and council tax support and contact details for the service.
Dover, Deal and District Citizens Advice Bureau: An independent local charity which provides free information and advice to everyone who needs it regardless of race, sex, colour, disability, sexuality or nationality. The Services is free, independent, confidential and impartial.
Joining Forces CU: Armed Forces Credit Union Support. The Ministry of Defence has launched payroll deduction to help you save and borrow with three of the United Kingdom's largest Credit Unions.