Street collections regulations
- The meanings of some of the words we use on this page:
- Collection: a collection of money or a sale of articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes
- Promoter: a person who directs others to act as collectors
- We: Dover District Council
- Permit: a permit for a collection
- Contributor: a person who contributes to a collection (this includes a purchaser of articles for sale) for the benefit of charitable or other purposes
- Collecting box: a box or other receptacle that money from contributors is collected in
- You must have a permit to make a charitable collection in any street or public place within the Dover District
- Applications for permits must be made no later than one month before the proposed collection date.
- The collection must only by made during the day and hours stated on the permit.
- We may, in granting a permit, limit the collection to certain streets or public places.
- No person may assist or take in any collection without the written authority of a promoter. This must be available for inspection by a Police or Dover District Council officer.
- No collection shall be made in any part of the carriageway of any street which has a footway. This may be waived when the collection is part of a procession (eg carnival).
- No collection shall be made in a manner likely to inconvenience or annoy any person.
- While collecting:
- a collector shall remain stationary
- a collector or two collectors together must not within 25 metres of another collector
This may be waived when the collection is part of a procession (eg carnival).
- No promoter, collector or person who is otherwise connected with a collection shall permit a person under the age of sixteen years to act as a collector.
- Every collector shall carry a collecting box.
- All collecting boxes shall be numbered consecutively and must be securely closed and sealed in such a way as to prevent them being opened without the seal being broken
- All money received by a collector from contributors shall immediately be placed in a collecting box
- All collectors must deliver, unopened, all collecting boxes in their possession to the promoter
- A collector must not carry or use any collecting box which:
- does not prominently display the name of the benefitting charity
- is not numbered
- A collecting box must be opened in the presence of a promoter and another responsible person or (if delivered, unopened, to a bank) a bank official.
- The person opening the collection box must count the contents immediately and enter the amount with the number of the collecting box on a list which they must then certify.
- No payment shall be made to any collector
- No payment shall be made out of the proceeds of a collection, either directly or indirectly, to any other person connected with the collection unless without our approval
- Within one month after the date of any collection the person to whom a permit has been granted must submit to us:
- a street licence return form showing the amount received and the expenses and payments incurred. This must be certified by a qualified accountant or an independent responsible person acceptable to the Council
- a list of collectors
- a list of the amounts contained in each collecting box
- These regulations do not apply:
- in respect of a collection taken at a meeting in the open air or
- to the selling of articles in any street or public place when the articles are sold in the ordinary course of trade
Apply for a permit
After the event
Within one month of the sale/collection please submit your return form.