Minor Variations

Small variations that will not impact adversely on the licensing objectives are subject to a simplified ‘minor variations’ process. These would normally include:

  • The addition of voluntary conditions
  • The removal of obsolete condition
  • The amending of existing conditions
  • Minor changes to the layout of a premise that taken singly or in conjunction with other variations would not adversely effect the licensing objectives

Application for a minor variation must be made on the appropriate form and accompanied by a fee of £89. The applicant is not required to advertise the variation in a newspaper or circular or copy it to responsible authorities. However, they must display it on a white notice (to distinguish it from the blue notice used for full variations and new applications) and must be in 32 point font for the title and 16 point font for the body of the text.

The Licensing Manager will consult with responsible authorities and consider any representations. The decision as to whether the variation is a minor variation will be made within 10 days and any determination within 15 days of the application.

If the Licensing Manager determines that the licensing objectives could be adversely effected a full variation would need to be applied for.

If it is determined not to allow the minor variation the fee is not refunded so it is advised that the applicant consult with the Licensing Section before making the application.

Activities outside of Minor Variation rules

Certain activities are specifically exempted from the minor variations procedures. These are:

  • Any variation that increases the overall hours for the sale or supply of alcohol
  • Any variation that (whether or not the overall hours for the sale or supply of alcohol are increased) moves any of such hours to later tham 11pm (23:00) and earlier than 7am (0700)

Applications for these variations must be dealt with by way of full variation.

An application to reduce the hours for the sale or supply of alcohol can be dealt with by way of minor variation.


Contact the Licensing Section

Telephone: 01304 872295

Email: licensing@dover.gov.uk