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Objections to Licence Applications

Who Can Object?

Any individual, body or business is entitled to make representations (objections) in relation to applications, variations or reviews for premises licences or club premises certificates.

How to Object

Please complete our objection form within 28 days of the application being submitted.


Make an objection »


What Happens Next?

If a representation (objection) is received, which appears to be resolvable by means of discussion and negotiation, the Licensing Officer will make every effort to resolve the issues by acting as a mediator between the parties.

If valid representations are received, a hearing will then be arranged within 20 working days of the end of consultation date.  The Licensing Committee will then consider the application and any representations received.  The applicant and any parties who have made a representation will all be given notice of the hearing and invited to attend.  

Once you have made a representation it will be disclosed to the applicant and will become part of the file of papers used for the hearing pack.


Contact the Licensing Section

Telephone: 01304 872295
Email: licensing@dover.gov.uk