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How we buy goods and services

Our purchasing arrangements are organised through our service areas for Council housing properties and the procurement team for corporate spending.

All contracts must comply with requirements under UK law and our Contract Standing Orders, which govern our contracting activities and procedures for obtaining and awarding quotations/tenders.


  • follow procedures that are ethical, environmentally friendly, accountable and compliant with procedural, legal and international obligations.
  • seek to achieve continuing improvement in value for money, based on the whole life costs and quality of goods and services.
  • help to improve the competitiveness of suppliers and support the local economy.

Our 'value for money' criteria recognise that lowest price is not necessarily the best solution.

Therefore, purchasing decisions may take into account other factors such as economic, environmental and social impacts of goods and services both in the short and long term. These will be fully detailed within individual specifications.


Tel: 01304 872419

Email: procurement@dover.gov.uk