Kerbside Collection Service
Collections are made between the hours of 7am and 4pm, or later if there are unexpected delays or vehicle breakdowns.
Please report any missed collections the following day unless you are certain that your collection has been missed.
Find out your collection day »
How to use your...
Assisted collections »
This service is only available to those householders where, due to physical inability, illness or disability there is no one resident at the address that is able to carry the refuse to the normal collection point at the boundary of the property.
Report a missed collection »
Collections are made between the hours of 7am and 4pm, or later if there are unexpected delays or vehicle breakdowns.
Clinical waste »
Special arrangements are made for clinical/medical waste using yellow sacks. This must be organised through a District Nurse.
Bulky item service »
We offer a bulky item service to remove a maximum of five bulky household items. For example a table and four chairs is five items.
What goes where on recycling day »
On recycle day your mixed recycling (glass, tins, mixed plastics etc) is taken directly to the rear of the freighter where it is lifted into the left pod. Paper and Card from your black box is emptied into the right pod
Frequently Asked Questions