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Great British Spring Clean

What is the Great British Spring Clean?

Back for its tenth year, the Great British Spring Clean is the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign.  

The campaign, by  Keep BritainTidy encourages the public to make a real difference in their communities by either hosting or participating in a litter pick. 

Our 2025 Campaign

We are hosting a number of pop-up litter picking events across the district. Litter picking equipment will be made available at these events for anyone who wishes to participate in picking as much or as little litter they like. Just one bag makes a big difference! 

The dates and locations of the litter picking events we are hosting are shown below: 

GBSC ALL PICKS social jpgs14


Why Take Part in Litter Picking?

Aside from improving your local environment, litter picking is a great way to enjoy some physical activity outdoors. It is an opportunity to gain some exercise and contribute something invaluable at the same time. There is also the social benefit of getting together with local residents to clean up your area. Local litter picks can really bring a community together.

This is about more than simply getting people to pick up litter. We want to encourage long-term behaviour change around the issues of litter and waste. 



Poster competition

In support of this years Great British Spring Clean Campaign we are once again teaming up with Veolia our Refuse and Recycling Contractor to lauch a poster competition.

We are asking young people to create a poster design that encourages others to do the right thing and put their litter in the bin.

The winning design will be dsiplayed on one of our refuse and recycling contractors works vehicles. The winner will also receive a certificate and shopping vouchers.

Please click on the following button for full Terms & Conditions:

 Poster Competition T&Cs 2025

Closing date for entries is the 31st of March 2025.

Entries can be submitted by completing our entry form on the following link:

 Competition Entry Form


 Our REACH Awards 

Our REACH Awards (Recognising Environmental and Community Heroes) recognise our district’s unsung heroes who work hard to improve the appearance of the Dover District, help to maintain our environment and unite the local community. Split into four different categories, the scheme acknowledges those individuals and groups who work tirelessly to make a difference, as well as local organisations who are putting the environment at the top of their agenda.

The awards are free to enter, and candidates can nominate themselves or others in the following categories:

  • Litter Picker of the Year
  • Junior Litter Picker of the Year
  • Green Organisation of the Year
  • Community Project of the Year

The winners of each category will receive a certificate, an award trophy and official recognition at an awards ceremony to be held locally in June 2025. The closing date for applications and nominations is 16 May 2025.To find out more about last year's winners please visit our dedicated webpage on the below link:

 REACH Awards.

How do I host a litter pick?

Dover District Council can provide litter picking equipment for events and also arrange for the collected waste to be disposed of.   

To organise a litter pick, and to review all the current safety advice, please visit CommunityCleanUps.

You may find Keep Britain Tidy's beginners guide to litter picking of benefit when considering organising your own event. 

Our previous campaigns 

Dover District Council has supported the Great British Spring Clean Campaign for several years now. To find out more about our previous campaigns, please see the links below:

Great British Spring Clean 2022

Great British Spring Clean 2023

The Great British Spring Clean Campaign 2024

Litter and Fly Tipping

If litter and fly tipping is an issue in your area, we would encourage you to report this to us. We can arrange for the area to be cleansed by our street cleansing team in publicly maintained areas, and arrange for our Environmental Enforcement Officers to conduct patrols to help tackle the issues.

  • To report litter in your area, please visit Litter

  • To report fly tipping, please visit FlyTipping