News and planning consultations
Langdon Parish Council - Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
Invitation to provide comments on the Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14)
The consultation will run from 9am on Monday 6th January 2025 until 5pm on Monday 17th February 2025
For further information please visit
Summary of the Langdon Neighbourhood Development Plan Polcicies
BT Payphone Kiosk Removal - Representation for 90 days, which ends on 09 March 2025
BT have contacted DDC:
"We’ve identified 6 public payphones in your area that are no longer needed. We’ve assessed these using the criteria in Ofcom’s Review of the telephony universal service obligation. I’ve attached the list of payphones that we’re planning to remove.
The kiosks highlighted red are Listed so we propose to remove telephony and lock the kiosk.
To make sure that the local community are fully informed, we’ve placed notices (including the posting date) on these payphones. I’ve attached a sample copy.
Communities can ‘adopt’ phone boxes to turn into something completely different
With payphone usage falling, communities are looking at new ways of using them. Thousands of boxes have been reinvented as cafes, mini-libraries, and defibrillator sites. Communities can adopt most red boxes for just £1.
They can also adopt modern glass boxes if they want to house a defibrillator. Visit for more information
You can make representations in the next 90 days until 09 March 2025
We’ll take account of representations you make about our plans when we’re making our final decision. We’ll also write to with you the reasons for our decision (we’ll also publish the reasons on
If you’ve got any questions or want to make representations, please email us at
Please contact if you would like to raise an objection prior to 9 March 2025.
You can sign up to be consulted on planning policy documents when available:
Join the planning policy consultation database to be emailed whenever we consult on a planning policy document, follow link and register via Objective Consultation Software.
How we consult on these documents is set out in the Statement of Community Involvement.
You will be able to comment online and see other people's comments. Your name will be shown next to any comments you make on documents. A full guide and tour on how to use the consultation portal is available on the left of the page when it opens.
By signing up, your details will be held by us and will remain confidential.
To unsubscribe at anytime please email